Wednesday, February 27, 2013

super late post #2: Sydney White Review

Iya, gua tau film ini udah lama keluar. Sebelumnya gua udah menonton film ini beberapa kali, tapi baru pas nonton beberapa hari lalu mulai muncul bahan-bahan review. Mungkin pengaruh sempet jadi reporter resensi di majalah kampus jadinya pikiran gua maik terbuka hahahahahaha SOK LU!

Jadi, pertama-tama gua mau bilang kalo diantara film yang terinspirasi dari kisah Disney’s Princess, Sydney White adalah favorit gua. Padahal Snow White, yang menjadi inspirasi film ini, adalah kisah Disney’s Princess yang paling nggak gua demen. Okay, bukannya gua ga demen sama ceritanya, gua sebelnya sama sosok Snow White. Soalnya menurut pikiran gua sejak kecil, princess itu rambutnya panjang indah tergerai. Karena itulah sejak kecil gua menganggap dia ga pantes jadi princess (jahat yak -..-).

For the beginning, our princess is not really a princess. Sydney White (Amanda Bynes) bukan dari keluarga bangsawan atau keluarga kaya. Ayahnya seorang pekerja bangunan dan ibunya sudah meninggal. Sydney baru keterima di universitas tempat ibunya dulu kuliah dan dia seneng banget. Dia harap akan aada koneksi tertentu dengan ibunya karena mereka belajar di tempat yang sama.

And Sydney’s royalty life is begun. Ibunya dulu tinggal di rumah asrama yang isinya cewek-cewek populer gituh. Ketua asramanya bernama Rachel Witchburn. Karena ibunya pernah tinggal di asrama itu, Sydney sudah hampir pasti keterima untuk tinggal di situ juga. Namun, Rachel nggak suka sama Sydney. pada akhirnya Sydney harus keluar dari asrama itu dan terdampar ke asrama lain, Vortex, tempat tujuh cowok cupu tinggal.

Hal-hal apa sih yang paling mendasar dari kisah Snow White? Let me make the list….
1.       Snow White
2.       Penyihir jahat
3.       Predikat “Fairest of them all”
4.       Prince Charming
5.       Tujuh kurcaci
6.       Poisonous Apple
7.       Wake up kiss

I guess that’s all. Dan semuanya ada di film ini dengan substitusi benda yang lebih modern dan relevan dengan masa kini. Perumpamaannya cerdas banget, and that’s why I love this movie.

We have our Snow White, named Sidney in this movie. 

She doesn’t have a black ebony hair or white skin or red lips. But at least her hair is long and her family name is White. I guess that’s enough.

Carry on, we sure have the wicked witch. 

Witchburn is her name. And I totally love this name.

We don’t have any magic mirror in the wall to tell the witch that she’s the fairest of all maiden in this world. But, we have a Hot or Not List. 

Hahahahahaha clever! Rachel checks this list everyday to make sure she’s still maintaining the number 1 spot. She thinks nobody can beat her, but it changed when Sydney came.

Never forget this: it’s not a princess movie if there’s no prince charming. 

And here it is, our prince charming whose name is really Prince.

Seven Dwarf. There are no little men in this movie, but we have seven geeks who live in a shabby house named Vortex. 

And they really represent the original characters from Snow White: there are the smart one, the sneezy one, the grumpy one, the shy one, the sleepy one, the happy one, and the kid. They may not physically little, but they have low social status. That’s—I think—makes them dwarfs.

Next: poisonous Apple. 
Ooh, this is my favorite symbol. So, Sydney has this macbook. One day, Witchburn asked a hacker to send virus to Sidney’s macbook. And voila, we get the poisonous Apple. WOW. Super clever, huh???? Originally, this poisonous apple would make snow white unconscious, right? Yeah, after her macbook got poisoned, she must redo her assignments and that makes her super tired. She can’t wake up to attend her important debate. But fortunately………

We have Princey’s wake up kiss. 
Sidney finally wakes up after Prince give her a wake up kiss and she made it to attend that important debate. Actually, that’s not really necessary, I know your purpose, missy.

kalo soal jalan cerita, story mountainnya (sailaaah) ga jauh beda sama cerita Snow White. bedanya cuma pada akhirnya si Witch ga mati. dan si Witch bukan ibu tiri White. 

So, what do you think? smart symbols, huh? 

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